Helping Children Become "Five Star Sleepers"

Essential Sleep Plan


My Baby Needs More Sleep

Creating a Successful Sleep Routine

You’re feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, exhausted and out of options. You dread bedtime knowing that you’re going to have a battle on your hands. You wish that for just one night, you could have some time to yourself to recharge and spend some quality time with your partner.

You feel so tired every day, you are struggling to cope with your baby waking frequently during the night, having to feed your baby back to sleep or having to rock your baby back to sleep, only for them to wake up as soon as you put them down again.

You often ask yourself, Will my baby ever sleep well”?

Everyday tasks become a struggle, your baby is overtired, you’re exhausted, it feels like you don’t have any structure to your day and planning ahead for anything seems impossible. Every day ends up with you driving your baby around in the car just so they can get some sleep and you can get some space to breathe!

You really don’t want to resort to the “cry it out” method, you know that leaving your baby for hours on end crying is not the answer but you are struggling to find any other answers.

What if there was another answer...

...one that you just haven’t come across yet, until now that is!

Imagine if you could feel confident about your baby’s sleep, bedtime becomes something to look forward to, it is an enjoyable part of your day. You’re feeling happier during the day because you know that bedtime will be easier and your baby will be happy to go to sleep.

You have the time and energy to plan some activities for yourself such as working out, having a girls night out, sitting down with a hot cup of tea. You’re excited that you and your partner can spend some quality time together in the evening, catching up on the day, having a glass of wine, watching a movie, etc.

You feel more relaxed knowing that your baby is getting the right amount of sleep. You’ve got more energy in the day because you’ve had that time to replenish in the evening. Your day finally feels more manageable because you’re sleeping better, too. You’re able to meet all your other responsibilities with grace.

How I can Help You

Get More Sleep!


Stop Feeling...

... frustrated, exhausted, or Overwhelmed

My name is Jill and I am a sleep consultant for Mums who fear that their baby will never sleep well. They feel overwhelmed, frustrated, exhausted and out of options. I support them in creating a consistent sleep routine for their baby so they can get back on track and focus on being the parent they want to be.

You’ll learn exactly the things you need to do to create a successful sleep routine for your baby so you can stop feeling so overwhelmed and exhausted and you can start to enjoy and plan for your evenings again.

You’ll also learn how to handle night wakings, feedings and early morning wake ups.

When we’re done working together, you’ll have a well rested baby that enjoys bedtime and settles well every evening.

As a result of working with me, you'll...
  • Have a personalised sleep plan to help you get your baby to fall asleep every night so you can finally have some time to yourself every evening.

  • Receive 1:1 support so you can feel confident as you implement your plan.

  • Learn how to have a consistent routine for your baby’s sleep so you can enjoy better health and well-being for all of your family.

Your Essential Sleep Plan

What's Included


This questionnaire will give you an opportunity to gain insights into your baby's current sleep routine. You’ll get a new perspective on the challenges you are facing and start to see how spending some focused time on this now, will have long lasting benefits for you and your baby.

Sleep Plan Session

In this 60 minute session you’ll get clear on your baby’s new bedtime routine then you will feel confident and motivated to start putting everything you learn into action. You’ll be well on your way to having a baby that sleeps well, giving you that all important time to yourself. After this session you will receive everything you need to make this investment a success.

Sleep Evaluation & Sleep Plan

The PDF of your baby’s personalised sleep plan will include a sleep evaluation outlining your baby’s sleep needs, and will give you clarity on the sleep goals you are working towards. Additional support will also be provided in the form of a digital sleep log, which is an essential tool for you to use as it will help you see your baby’s sleep habits and identify what support you may need on your follow up support call.

Follow Up Support

We will book in two 15 minute support calls. The first will be on the day after you start, so we can discuss how things went on night one. The second support call will be on day five of your sleep plan, so I can answer any questions you may have and discuss your sleep log and advise you on your next steps. You’ll get a wrap - up email from me on day seven where you’ll learn how to handle future challenges that may affect your baby’s sleep, such as teething, travelling and illness.


This questionnaire will give you an opportunity to gain insights into your baby's current sleep routine. You’ll get a new perspective on the challenges you are facing and start to see how spending some focused time on this now, will have long lasting benefits for you and your baby.

Sleep Plan Session

In this 60 minute session you’ll get clear on your baby’s new bedtime routine then you will feel confident and motivated to start putting everything you learn into action. You’ll be well on your way to having a baby that sleeps well, giving you that all important time to yourself. After this session you will receive everything you need to make this investment a success.


This questionnaire will give you an opportunity to gain insights into your baby's current sleep routine. You’ll get a new perspective on the challenges you are facing and start to see how spending some focused time on this now, will have long lasting benefits for you and your baby.

Sleep Plan Session

In this 60 minute session you’ll get clear on your baby’s new bedtime routine then you will feel confident and motivated to start putting everything you learn into action. You’ll be well on your way to having a baby that sleeps well, giving you that all important time to yourself. After this session you will receive everything you need to make this investment a success.

Sleep Evaluation & Sleep Plan

The PDF of your baby’s personalised sleep plan will include a sleep evaluation outlining your baby’s sleep needs, and will give you clarity on the sleep goals you are working towards. Additional support will also be provided in the form of a digital sleep log, which is an essential tool for you to use as it will help you see your baby’s sleep habits and identify what support you may need on your follow up support call.

Follow Up Support

We will book in two 15 minute support calls. The first will be on the day after you start, so we can discuss how things went on night one. The second support call will be on day five of your sleep plan, so I can answer any questions you may have and discuss your sleep log and advise you on your next steps. You’ll get a wrap - up email from me on day seven where you’ll learn how to handle future challenges that may affect your baby’s sleep, such as teething, travelling and illness.

Sleep Evaluation & Sleep Plan

The PDF of your baby’s personalised sleep plan will include a sleep evaluation outlining your baby’s sleep needs, and will give you clarity on the sleep goals you are working towards. Additional support will also be provided in the form of a digital sleep log, which is an essential tool for you to use as it will help you see your baby’s sleep habits and identify what support you may need on your follow up support call.

Follow Up Support

We will book in two 15 minute support calls. The first will be on the day after you start, so we can discuss how things went on night one. The second support call will be on day five of your sleep plan, so I can answer any questions you may have and discuss your sleep log and advise you on your next steps. You’ll get a wrap - up email from me on day seven where you’ll learn how to handle future challenges that may affect your baby’s sleep, such as teething, travelling and illness.

Investment: £600

You can finally get your evenings back, feel more refreshed every morning with your baby getting the right amount of sleep every night.

Time to Get More Sleep!

Let's Get Started

Step 1: Click the Buy Now Button

Step 2: Within 24 hours of making your payment, you’ll receive an email from me with a link to your questionnaire.

Step 3: Once I have received your questionnaire back I will email you a link to my scheduling page so you can book in your Sleep Plan Session.

Step 4: We will have your Sleep Plan Session and you can get started on better sleep right away.

If you have any questions please email me at enquiries@fivestarsleepers.com

I am more than happy to answer your questions.


What People Are Saying

“Five Star Sleepers has changed our lives! After 16 months of lack of sleep due to our little one waking up between 3 and 20 times a night, we were all nearing breaking point. Thanks to Five Star Sleepers and only 2 weeks later we now have a consistent nap of 1-3 hours and a night of 9-10h with a maximum of 1 waking (even through teething).

Due to Xander’s food allergies and the pain he experienced in his early months, we have been advised to keep breastfeeding which he became reliant upon to get to sleep. We tried a variety of techniques which all proved unsuccessful as he was just getting extremely upset and distressed and refused to go to sleep without mum and breastfeeding.

Although we had little faith in anyone being able to help, we were out of options and decided to give Five Star Sleeper a go (the best thing we have ever done). The process started with a brief interview to gain background information followed by a questionnaire. After a few days, we received a bespoke sleeping plan that incorporated Xander’s needs around breastfeeding and food allergies. Although the first night was difficult, with the professional advice and plan, Xander started to accept any new change with growing ease (a miracle in itself!).

After just over a week he was going to sleep by himself, having a regular nap time and reducing the amount of time he would wake up at night. Five Star Sleepers was very understanding and flexible. Due to illnesses, we had to postpone the start of the process by 3 weeks until everyone was ready which was not an issue. Follow up phone calls helped tailor the plan to Xander’s reactions and daily guidance via shared notes in the sleeping log provided has helped us adapt to an early wake up, late night, etc.

These 2 weeks have given us our lives back and Xander is a lot happier baby from sleeping through the night and getting the sleep he so desperately needed to develop into a happy and outgoing toddler. We cannot thank you enough for your help and would definitely recommend getting in touch if you feel like you’re out of options as this has changed our lives. THANK YOU AGAIN!!”
Parents of Xander
16 Months Old
Young mother, holding her newborn baby boy at home in living room, back lit