My Baby Needs More Sleep
Creating a Successful Sleep Routine
You’re feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, exhausted and out of options. You dread bedtime knowing that you’re going to have a battle on your hands. You wish that for just one night, you could have some time to yourself to recharge and spend some quality time with your partner.
You feel so tired every day, you are struggling to cope with your baby waking frequently during the night, having to feed your baby back to sleep or having to rock your baby back to sleep, only for them to wake up as soon as you put them down again.
You often ask yourself, “Will my baby ever sleep well”?
Everyday tasks become a struggle, your baby is overtired, you’re exhausted, it feels like you don’t have any structure to your day and planning ahead for anything seems impossible. Every day ends up with you driving your baby around in the car just so they can get some sleep and you can get some space to breathe!
You really don’t want to resort to the “cry it out” method, you know that leaving your baby for hours on end crying is not the answer but you are struggling to find any other answers.

What if there was another answer... that you just haven’t come across yet, until now that is!
Imagine if you could feel confident about your baby’s sleep, bedtime becomes something to look forward to, it is an enjoyable part of your day. You’re feeling happier during the day because you know that bedtime will be easier and your baby will be happy to go to sleep.
You have the time and energy to plan some activities for yourself such as working out, having a girls night out, sitting down with a hot cup of tea. You’re excited that you and your partner can spend some quality time together in the evening, catching up on the day, having a glass of wine, watching a movie, etc.
You feel more relaxed knowing that your baby is getting the right amount of sleep. You’ve got more energy in the day because you’ve had that time to replenish in the evening. Your day finally feels more manageable because you’re sleeping better, too. You’re able to meet all your other responsibilities with grace.